On April 12th, the ReHab had it's annual Wine & Cheese to honour their volunteers during volunteer week. Vera, June & Marge attended and said it was a lovely event.
April 27th, Darryl Gill represented the KLA at the Ceremonial Opening of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons in my place. After her speaking she was told by one man that he enjoyed hearing about KLA as "He had no idea what we do". I hear this time and time again, so we must be diligent about talking about the KLA whenever we have the opportunity. Our April 26th Annual Dinner was a huge sucess thanks to our wonderful chair, Bernice Blakeman. Bernice had gone to such a lot of work to create beautiful table decorations and instead of entertainment, we entertained ourselves with a old fashioned sing along. It was such fun and you could tell that lots of the ladies were very enthusiastic! Need I say more? It was a blast and thoroughly enjoyed by all. This year we had two ladies receiving their 50 year certificates, Mae Booden and Kay Brooks. The 25 year recepiants were Kay Fournier, Jean McIntosh and Jean Mccaulay. Unfortunately only Jean Mccaulay was in attendance but Bernice will deliver the pins to the others. We also honoured Aimee Ibbott for 69 years of membership. We listened to an unbelievable story from Gertrude Hambira at our May 7th meeting that she calls "Out of Africia". Gertrude had produced a documentary on the human rights violations by the government of her country. Her life was threatened as a result of this and she had to leave the country immediately AND LEAVE HER THREE CHILDREN BEHIND. A Mother's worst nightmare! The Rotary Club in Charleswood worked very hard to bring Gertrude here and after 2 years she was finally safely reunited with her children here in Winnipeg. It has been an amazing and frightening journey for her and she is working hard to get the story out so that people in her country should not suffer any longer. If you are interested just google "Gertrude Hambira" to read more of her story. Gerry Sanderson called me awhile ago as she had heard somthing on CTV about contacting them if you were involved with a non-profit charitable organization and she asked me to look into it. I did, and Eleanor Coopsamy came out to interview us on May 8th. June, Vera, Marge, Gerry and myself were there representing the KLA and Chris Schollenberg, little Waverley (from our March meeting) and her Mother were there to be interviewed as well. It will be on CTV Morning Live at 8:26am on Tuesday, May 15th. Be sure to check us out! Have a great summer ladies, watch for our summer newsletter coming out in August! Comments are closed.
January 2025