Thank you ladies and a special thank you to Eve-anne Kristjanson and Ruth McCorrie for conducting the Officers Installation part of the meeting.
I am looking forward to this year with great enthusiasm and I know you all will be behind me. Helping me and pushing me forward. Our first fundraising will be the British High Tea and Hat Show. This will be on Sunday, March 15 at 2:00 pm. The rooms have been booked at the Shrine House and now all we have to do is make tickets, sell tickets, get food, posters, etc. etc, But we will be ready - right - we will be ready. Our slate of officers have been arranged - except for the Vice President. This position is very important. I am sure that we all understand what could happen if we didn't have another lady in this position. We all want to continue to help the children. We have such a good time and we do so much good. So think about this and let me know. We have two ladies who have volunteered to feed us after our meetings but they need help also. We will be having the Bridge Party again this year as well as our Raffle - think about volunteering to see those tickets again. Also Morden's chocolates will be available again this year. This is just the beginning of 2020 but I am looking forward to it. Thank you all again for this wonder day. President Lynne |
January 2025