Khartum Ladies Auxiliary is extremely proud to announce that this is our 90th birthday year! We are honored to be known as the “Auxiliary to the Khartum Shriners”.
To celebrate our 90th Birthday, a “Come and Go Tea’ will be held at Shrine House on Sunday, November 8th from 2 to 4 p.m. If you and your spouse plan to attend, please RSVP to Past President Eve-Anne Kristjanson at 204-489-2249 or Past President Ruth McCorrie at 204-663-6871 before Nov 4th. We look forward to seeing you there! For those of you who missed our last meeting or if you just want to view it again, the presentation made to KLA by Illustrious Sir Past Potentate Don Thomson is now on our Newsletter page. You can also view it by clicking "KLA 2015 Presentation".
Join us as we celebrate our 90th birthday this year --- a get-together will be held on Sunday, Nov 8th, 2015 from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Shrine House! Happy 90th Birthday KLA!
Wonderful meeting this past Monday which was held at Shrine House. Illustrious Sir Brian Terin and his Divan treated the ladies to a delightful tea, delicious sandwiches and fabulous desserts!
First Lady of Khartum, Melody Terin made a presentation to President Cathy. We were also honored to have Illustrious Sir Past Potentate Don Thomson (Khartum Shrine Hospital Chairman) give a very interesting presentation on the Shriners Hospitals including a glimpse into the new Montreal Hospital. First Lady Melody continued with a wonderful recap of the New Hospital Dedication as she presented a slideshow of the new state of the art facility. Below are a few pictures taken this past Monday. To see more, visit our Photos Page. Many thanks to Illustrious Brian Terin and Khartum Shrine for a delightful afternoon! Hi Ladies: As outlined in the Khartum Ladies’ Auxiliary 2015 Newsletter, Morden’s Chocolates are again this year one of our Fundraisers. See the order form below which is self-explanatory. You can also download the form by clicking here. Please note orders must be received no later than the November 2nd, 2015 Regular meeting. If you wish to order and will not be coming to the meeting you must send your order with a cheque to Cathy Kabernick. Her phone number and address are on the order form. |
January 2024