A reminder - The Bud Spud and Steak Night, on Thursday, October 8, 2015, is fast approaching. Tickets are available at $20.00 each and Hope Rosenbaum will have them available at the meeting on September 14th. Also we need Silent Auction prizes!!! If you have some businesses you can approach, please contact Hope for a copy of a letter for this purpose. If you already have prizes, please bring them to our September meeting or call Hope and she will pick them up. Thank you in advance!
It is almost back to business. With the help of all of you, we can finish off this year’s raffle with a bang and make it a complete success!! Barb has added the sitting schedule for September and October so if you did not get the schedule via email, please contact Barb Wells and pick a date or dates that you can come out to sit and sell raffle tickets. Thank you all, again, for all your support.
January 2025