Just a quick reminder - KLA Regular meeting tomorrow (May 4th) at 1:30 p.m. Following the meeting, KLA Past Presidents will be serving tea.
See you tomorrow! President Cathy Today is the last day of the Official Rail Safety Week. However, it is imperative to practice rail safety year round. Pledge to be safe around railroad tracks. I just took the pledge: I, Janet Lewis Anderson, pledge to be safe around crossings and railway lines. I promise to set the right example for my friends and family, and I pledge to report any unsafe behaviour to CN Police."
************************************************************************************* From April 27th to May 3rd, CN will again this year join forces with Operation Lifesaver to promote public rail safety to communities throughout our network during Rail Safety Week. We encourage everyone to think safety not just during the official "Rail Safety Week", but every week. Here are 10 tips that could save your life. 1. Never walk or play on train tracks. It's dangerous and illegal. Also never play or stay near a stopped train. 2. Be prepared to stop at crossings. 3. Cross train tracks at designated highway/railroad crossings. 4. Look for the crossbuck sign, lights or gates at crossings. 5. Listen for warning bells and whistles. 6. Obey the signals. 7. Wait for the train to pass through the crossing, then wait again, to be sure that a second train is not approaching on another track int he same or opposite direction. 8. Obey the directions of a police officer or member of a train crew directing traffic at a crossing. 9. Cross the tracks in low gear; do not change gears while crossing. 10. Stalled vehicle? Get out quickly and move away from the vehicle and tracks. Reporting Hazards: Report hazardous conditions at highway-railroad crossings or on railroad rights-of-way. Railroad emergency numbers are generally posted prominently at crossings, on either crossing posts, behind a crossing sign or on a signal box. You may want to keep the toll free number for CN Police handy. Should you witness any unsafe situation near the railroad, please call 1-800-465-9239 FREE. If you are unable to locate this number immediately, call 911 or the local emergency number. Since 1980 the number of highway/railroad crossing collisions and trespassing incidents has fallen dramatically largely due to education efforts. Please share these safety tips with family and friends and act as a role model for all. We encourage everyone to support help CN's community-education program, All Aboard for Safety, to help prevent fatalities and injuries on or near railroad crossings. Be safe everyone! |
January 2025