Hi Ladies
Here is a very short recap of the year: So far during the year, we had the Installation meeting in January: the Rehab hosted our February meeting with goodies and we presented Andrew (one of their patients) with a Tshirt. We had our St Patrick’s Day fundraiser with great entertainment and made over $1200. We represented KLA at the Nile Installation. Enjoyed Khartum Divan hosting the April meeting with goodies; had a jewelry party fundraiser; the ladies put on a wonderful Bridge Party again this year; had good food at our annual dinner with an accessory fashion show that the ladies seemed to enjoy. And that’s just the highlites before we broke for summer. May - A few of the ladies made chili and 3 or 4 of us went to Portage to provide the lunch for the Shriners. We had chili, caesar salad, buns etc. It seemed to go over very well and it was a fun afternoon. There was a collection bowl put out by the Shrine and we made about $100. - On the 29th we were invited to St Amant Centre when the Fife & Drum were playing, to hand out about 100 stuffed toys that Shirley’s friend Linda had collected. Everyone seemed to enjoy the toys and the music. - On the 30th I did a presentation for the Walking Tour at the Masonic Centre. Guests & Masons were invited to attend and learn more about the Masonic organizations. Each Masonic body was asked to bring greetings and explain about their group while learning about the building. Very interesting. June - On the 7th I attended the Friday morning opening of the Grand Lodge Communication weekend and brought greetings from KLA and wishes for a successful weekend and congrats to the new Grand Master Doug Webster. - On the 9th the ladies again attended the Rehab Cruising down the Crescent and handed out T shirts. I heard it was very successful. Unfortunately I had my nieces wedding to attend that weekend so I could not go. - On the 22nd I attended the Job’s Daughters fundraiser breakfast at Applebees on Regent. I think they did well… there seemed to be quite a few people there. July - On the 16th I attended the Masonic Family meeting as I have been doing since January. This summer meeting was specifically to discuss the upcoming picnic. - On the 28th 3 other ladies and I set up our table at the Masonic Family picnic. Our job was to sell the food tickets to those who attended. We collected the money and gave out the money at the end of the day to those groups who had provided the food. We also sold a few books of Raffle Tickets. What with all the parades that we attended and Midwest and Morden parade coming up, the summer will almost be over !! Did I just say that?? Coming Up - Our regular meetings are starting Sept 9th, with our main fundraiser “Octoberfest”, on Oct 25. I am sure Cathy K. and her committee will ensure we have a great time with entertainment and prizes. Also please join us for our December Luncheon on Dec 2 at Shrine House. Tickets will be available a little later. Please remember that our September meeting is the second Monday, Sept 9th due to the long weekend. I hope to see all of you ladies out that day. Our Octoberfest fundraiser is coming up soon so please mark that on your calendar. To our shut-ins, please know that we keep you in our thoughts and wish you all the very best. I hope you are all having a good summer and enjoying the weather. Even though it’s been a little up and down, my thought is, I’m ok as long as I don’t have to shovel it! So, it’s just about that time again ladies….see you soon. Till we meet again, June Krochenski, President 2013 |
January 2024