As we enter the year 2022, we are also celebrating the 97th year of the Khartum Ladies Auxiliary. This is also the second year of dealing with the COVID 19 Pandemic. The world has certainly changed in the 97 years since the KLA was established and the last two years have really challenged the purpose and mandate of KLA. However, the Ladies of the KLA have stepped up to the plate and while some of our traditional fundraising activities have been modified or cancelled, we are still making generous donations to the organizations that we support. We are still sending gifts with the children who are attending their first Shriners Hospital for Children appointment. We are still having fun, although we have been restricted in face to face meetings and events. This is because of you, the Ladies of the KLA.
I am humbled and honoured to be your new President this year. While we do not know what lies ahead of us for this year, I am hopeful that we can resume some of our traditional events this year. Foremost, however, is the safety and health of our Ladies. We will continue to have ZOOM meetings when it is not safe to meet face to face. When it is safe to meet face to face, we will use the larger Activity Room so that all the Ladies can safely distance themselves from each other. We will try to bring in guest speakers at meetings to educate and entertain you. Our fundraisers last year were highly successful and so we are planning to continue to have a New Bothwell Cheese Fundraiser in the spring and a Morden’s Chocolate Fundraiser in the fall. If conditions permit, we may go ahead with the Card Party in the spring. This has always been a popular event and has been missed due to cancellations. We will hold the Annual dinner and the Christmas luncheon if conditions permit. Bowling has always been an important event for some ladies and the Bowling Committee is still in place to organize this activity when permitted. I look forward to working with each of you this year and making 2022 another successful year for KLA. Please call me with questions, concerns or ideas. I would love to hear from you! President Brenda Comments are closed.
January 2024