Hello Ladies:
I would like to take the opportunity at this time to thank all of you for my year as President of KLA. I must admit that it was very unusual. The Khartum Divan hosted a tea for the KLA Ladies after our March regular meeting. We then had a fundraiser - our British High Tea and Hat Show on March 15th. I would like to thank all the ladies who helped to make the British High Tea a success- from the ticket sellers, baking dainties, planning the luncheon, setting the room up, helping on the day, and the many ladies all wearing hats. Even the Potentate Ill Sir Al Hadley (dressed in his morning tux) and his Lady Carol came and enjoyed the tea and dainties. I think we should have more "tea parties". Then everything was cancelled because of COVID - our Card Party which generally sells out; the Annual Dinner; and helping the Children’s Rehab in their Cruising Down the Crescent. I had arranged for a speaker to come to one of our meetings and of course cancelled our luncheon and meeting in December at the Viscount Gort Hotel. It was certainly a very different year. By January we were ready to try something new - we asked the members if they would like to start using Zoom It was fantastic. The meeting was held - new Executive installed and our members being able to participate as much as they wanted. I found it very interesting actually seeing people as they talked instead of just their voice. The KLA meetings will continue on Zoom until we can meet in person again. No matter if we are on Zoom or together we will still help the children. It was a very different this past year but we still will be moving forward...Thank you ladies for all your help and hugs and kisses in this very different and difficult year. Sincerely Lynne Hildebrand Comments are closed.
January 2025