A Note from Georgette Holberg, First Lady of Khartum As First Lady of Khartum, I will be holding a brunch on Saturday, May 3rd. The monies raised from this brunch will go to our Canadian Shriners Hospital For Children in Montreal.
In October of last year Rick and I attended the Ladies of Kem Brunch. Kem Temple is in Grand Forks. I was so impressed with the idea that, with their permission, I decided to bring it north of the border. In order for it to be a success, I need your help and participation. This is how it works:
I don’t need to know your theme just yet. I just need you to let me know that you would be interested in hostessing a table. My phone # is 204-668-4263 & email address is [email protected]. Remember, I can not do this without you. I want to make this brunch a yearly event. Kem is now into their 5th year and had a total of 23 hosted tables. Let’s have fun helping kids. Thank you. Georgette Holberg First Lady of Khartum Comments are closed.
January 2025