The Annual Dinner was held at Khartum Shrine Centre on Thursday, April 4, 2019. Faye Hooper, Mistress of Ceremonies, assisted in coordinating the event. The room was beautifully decorated with red and white roses for table centres.
The chicken dinner prepared by Chef Peter Ecker was an excellent meal that everyone enjoyed. The program included a presentation of 25-year pins however the members were unable to attend so they will be presented later. The evening was closed with the DeMolay, Winnipeg Chapter, presenting the Flower Talk. The boys who participated were Ergon Golpe, Carlo Versoza, Walter Medriaga and Clarence Lacanilao. This is an expressive commitment of the young men in this order to their parents but mostly to the mothers. It is a very moving talk that the boys did extremely well. They were accompanied by Chapter Dad, WB Rico Villarin. Comments are closed.
January 2024